Counseling and consulting

Mgr. Denisa Darmová
To begin with ...
Welcome on the website Cesty do Šárky, named by the forests
of natural reservation that surrounds my studio. These pages were created
with an attempt to briefly introduce myself, gained work experience and my personal
approach towards the process of collaboration with clients.
I studied at the Comenius University in Bratislava where I graduated with a master´s degree in psychology. Since 2016
I was a member of Czech Association for Analytical Psychology as an attendant of the complex accredited psychotherapeutic training based on the work of C. G. Jung. Since the same year, I worked as a psychologist for NGO Cerebrum z.s., focused on the support for individuals with acquired brain injury and their family members. Here, besides psychological counseling I also provided neurorehabilitation based on the stimulation of impaired cognitive functioning. Occasionally I was lecturing about this matter for several institutions. But there came a day when I decided to leave everything behind and look for my own path. And so the project Cesty do Šárky came to life...
Either one looks for a short term consulting with a certain problem, struggling with a life issue or desires to gain deeper understanding of oneself within longer time frame, it is essential to choose a suitable counsellor for that. I myself see this process in accompanying the client in many times so difficult, painful but on the other hand deliberating path leading from comprehending to forgiveness and letting go. To reach this, I often use a technique called active imagination, described in a separate article, which enables us to reveal the inner sources and confront us with unknown contents of overselves. Despite the Jungian background I am trying to follow my own way. I am persuaded that rather than the used method, the relation and mutual understanding with client is what truly heals. I find it difficult to define my approach with a few words, as every single session is so unique and different. That is why I prefer to meet and you can decide accordingly. No matter your choice, I wish you all the best and to find what you are looking for.
Terms and conditions
Consultation (60 mins.) 900 Kč
I only provide individual sessions with adult clients. Frequency by mutual consent, usually once a week or twice per month. Cancellation of the appointment 24 hrs in advance.
Payment method
First appointment is paid by cash, afterward it is possible to agree
on account transfer. I do not accept debit or credit cards.
Data policy
I don´t have contracts with health insurance companies. I do not write any reports and do not store any personal information about my clientele.
My practice is situated close to the metro station Nádraží Veleslavín, where several tram, bus and train connections are also available. There is a charged parking spot in front of the house and you can find free parking in the end of the street near SK Aritma. You are more than welcome to address me via contact form or see my details bellow: